scaling success with a people-first approach with zuddl

People-First Playbook, hosted by Nick Bennett and Andy Groller, is  LIVE show where one marketer’s campaign is brought to life right before your eyes using a people-first approach.

Many brands go-to-market with a people-first approach (still not enough in our opinion) and experience success right out of the gates. But how do you sustain that success? And how do you scale it by keeping things fresh, innovative, and engaging with that same people-first mindset? In episode 3, we do just that, with a campaign from Zuddl, an event management platform that’s transforming the events world and using a people-first strategy to grow.

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What’s up everyone? Welcome back to another People First Playbook. I don’t know about you all, but like that music just gets you in the mood to like group. I had a, a little bit of a headache coming into this. Um, nothing, some Tylenol can’t fix, but that music always just gets me in such a good mood. So welcome everyone to the People First Playbook.

This is episode. Three. Um, we’re gonna be talking about scaling success with a people First approach. For our good friends at Zule, shout out to Jason Tup, uh, Barath, the entire TE team over there. [00:01:00] Um, and for those that don’t know the whole show theme, purpose of People first playbook is to create an integrated revenue campaign in sub 30 minutes.

We’re getting better every single week. Last week was 32 minutes. We might hit 30 minutes this week. We’ll see. Um, we have two fantastic guests with us today. You might see an additional third person on the screen. We’ve got Mark Killens, who is the co-founder and CEO of tac. My partner, we have Andy. Shout out to Andy.

Andy’s always with me every single week, but we thought I. Bringing Mark on to this specific episode as it relates to this space would be a perfect gateway. Mark has been ACMO in the event tech space. He knows it better than most. I worked for him there. So I feel like, you know, we’re two pros when it comes to this type of thing.

But, uh, Andy, before I throw it over to you, one quick question for everyone tuning in. If you do have questions and please bring your questions. We wanna make this interactive. Throw them in the [00:02:00] chat if we . Have time. At the end of the event, we will get to them. If not, we will personally follow up with every single one of you.

And with that, Andy, I’m thrown over to you for that campaign intro. All right, so Zule, we’re talking about event management Platform event tech, right, which is why we have two event guys in their past lives. Join us here today. So let’s talk a little bit about what Zule offers, right? I say event management platform, but that can mean so many different things.

Well, it handles pretty much everything from soup to nuts between registration and ticketing all the way through to broadcast. If we’re talking about virtual events to badges, uh, through across virtual hybrid and in-person events, it’s pretty much, as I kind of look at it, the all-in-one event management platform.

So the reason that Zule came to us is they were originally built for virtual first events, but that’s changed over the last year or so. They’ve rebuilt the platform, retooled it to be more agile and handle both in-person [00:03:00] and virtual events. And it’s this new updated offering that they’re coming into and really have capitalized on in the market.

With that, Jason, who Nick just mentioned, uh, is seeking ideas from us three on. So we’re looking for fresh ideas, things like that. And because of that, that’s really the challenge. It’s breaking through those perceptions that the market may have around Z’s historic offering. But really when we think about it from a bigger perspective, and Mark, I mean you can chime in here too.

Event tech is a very crowded and competitive market, isn’t it? Super crowded and competitive. Andy and Nick. Yeah, I mean, it, it, it might be one of the most, when you think about MarTech, um. And yeah, I got a lot of thoughts, uh, around this topic for sure. So thank you for having me on the show. It’s honored to be with you guys.

Let’s have some fun. Yeah, so Nick, I did a little bit of research to get si kinda some context around what this crowd space actually looks like. And just quick numbers. [00:04:00] I go to G two and I look at event management platforms. There’s 226 listings. People that have actually claimed their profiles. So think about all those that have not.

You go to Capterra and you look at event management software, you’re up to 870. That’s, that’s a fricking butt load of event tech that exists out there. Now Jason also called out a couple when he reached out to us, he mentioned C Event, Bizzabo Gold Cast, right? Those things. Um. So when we think about like what the true ask is here besides fresh ideas, right?

Zule has the momentum, right? It has the growth already, and it’s already using that people first approach that we’ve talked about on three episodes, but through all of our content collectively together, and it’s how do we kind of scale that success further by innovation, experimentation, those fresh ideas that we’re gonna talk about here today.

But also maintaining that people first approach without defaulting back to traditional playbooks, that let’s all face it and be real here are outdated and no longer work. [00:05:00] So Nick, let’s talk a little bit about who Zale’s audience is for this new offering. Do you wanna take that? Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, and the beauty is, so Mark and I have been partnering with Zeal as well, so this is like, I feel like I kind of extra know this, which is good.

Um, typically they’re going after marketing leaders, VPs, as well as those directly responsible with events, experimental marketing. Um, they’re, they’re kind of spot for ICP around the org size is mid-market, mostly like 500 to a thousand employees. In their ICP details, there’s someone that does failed marketing events.

I came up as a failed marketer, so I can definitely relate their user groups and webinars and ticketed and non-paid user conferences and virtual conferences. So, you know, great example there is, you know, folks like Marketing Profs or Gartner, like the way that they brand themselves, the folks that we work with, um, that

You know, Andy works with, you know, cofaq and [00:06:00] Bentley systems. So I think the, when, when you’re thinking about pains and challenges that we’re looking to solve for this specific audience, why do field and event marketers need to care about this? You mentioned it. 226. Event management platforms, and as someone that has used a, a variety of event management platforms, both virtual and in person, I can say that, I mean, you’re just scratching the surface.

There’s so many up there. There’s so many that are just popping up every single day. And so it’s another platform. Cool. Why should I care? What separates you from all of these other platforms out there? And if you can’t answer that, why for this specific audience and as a failed marketer. I don’t need to know that.

Like, Hey, I can run virtual events and change the branding. If you can tell me, Hey, I’m gonna take your analytics and I’m gonna show you how you tie ROI to this so that when your field marketing budget comes up at the end of the year, you can go to your CMO or VP or whoever it is and say, Hey, look, [00:07:00] these events, whether virtual in person drove X amount of pipeline.

X amount of revenue. The pipeline velocity was this time to close? Was this like, then you’re adding a layer that adds so much more to the conversation. And let’s be honest, these, these platforms aren’t cheap. I mean, mark and I, mark and I know we come from this area, we’ve bought plenty of stuff like this.

Like you could be spending anywhere from, you know, $5,000 up to $50,000 a year, depending on what you’re looking for. So solve your why. It will help you back into how you solve a lot of these pain points. Now let’s take that up a level here too. And Mark, you know, when we talk about triggering events, right?

We typically think about triggering events from the perspective of what’s triggering the event that brings this campaign into motion. But like we talk about here on People First Playbook, let’s put our eyes and ears around the fact of what’s the triggering event for . A customer or potential customer of Zes to start exploring an event management platform.

Can you talk a [00:08:00] little about, about some of those triggering events? Yeah, yeah. And I would also challenge al’s ICP, I wanna do that too. Okay. So, um, one is right now a hundred percent all in one. Every company small, bigger, or super big is looking for all-in-one when it comes to event technology. So, so all in one for online, in-person, um, and all in one in event tech can mean a lot of different things.

’cause you might go all the way to say, well you have your, you know, hotel vendor, you know, solution as part of the all-in-one. You know, that’s getting to the more enterprise extreme level, but that’s one cost is another one. Cost consolidation and all in one are kind of tied at the hip. Um, and I, I also feel like the other thing is, is

Ease of use, flexibility, because a lot of event teams first, first off event teams are always strapped Andy, right? Nick, you know that , like there’s, there’s, you know, how many resources for the most part. And like with a Downish economy, the resources even get a little bit tighter. But going back to like that [00:09:00] ICP, you know, the, the, I would look at how many people are actually playing in that ICP.

You know, my, my, my, my gut tells me they might wanna niche down a bit more. And this, this reminds me of like what HubSpot did, right? HubSpot found the sweet spot of 20 to 200. And if you can find the right economics for what you’re selling, um, I. For that audience and that audience, you know, needs events.

And I would argue every business needs events. So like, what’s the scale of the events? How many, how many online do they need? Versus in person. Maybe it’s not 20 to 200, maybe it’s a different range. But I think a lot of the questions when it comes to your point, and I agree with it, Nick, about differentiation and, and why at the brand level, why at the solution level, why at the product level, and how are you different?

It comes down to the, like, what does that ICP segment care about and the problems they have because yeah, you know, 200, 500 person company ver is, is definitely different than, you know, 5,000, definitely different than 50,000. So, um, that’s gonna dictate your product roadmap. Product strategy. Broadly though, [00:10:00] Andy, to your question, trigger events, it, it’s, it’s a kind of across the border what I’m hearing.

Okay. Um, I mean, I think to, just to add on top of that, one of the things that Jason mentioned when he reached out to us is, you know, what, how many event tech solutions out there eventually burn the people that are using them, right? Maybe it’s poor support, maybe it’s poor experience, right? The badges don’t work, uh, or they’re late, or the registration system just goes down randomly.

Uh, the app doesn’t work when the attendees are actually at the, the user comp. Um, and I think that’s, that’s the other triggering event that I would layer on top of what you just talked about, mark, is from the audience perspective. You know, great. We have something, we tried it out and now postmortem the event that we just had, or I.

You know, retrospective, you don’t wanna be too morbid. Um, you know what went wrong, what went right, and there’s a triggering conversation that gets wrapped into that, uh, especially when it comes up for contract renewals and things like that. Agreed. So let’s, as we talk about kind of our [00:11:00] ideas for growth here on top of the existing campaign, um, each of us, we’re gonna do a round robin for each of us.

Uh, let’s talk a little bit about what’s going on right now in that people first model that we’re gonna build on top of. So when we think about what’s underneath the surface, what are those operational aspects of Zale’s current campaigns? I mean, I’m not gonna . Mince words here. There’s a lot of social activity going on.

They are engaging their audience. There’s a diversified feed of content from webinars to, you know, live shows to infographics, all visually pleasing. You know, it doesn’t, I don’t go to the social feed and I feel like I’m gonna see the same thing as I scroll further down. No, it’s completely diversified.

And I think that kind of shows through then with the partnerships that they’re creating and leveraging, uh, the . Paid media that they’re using interspersely, right? To get the message out to distribute to that ICP. But when we build on top of that, right, we have a great foundation, but we need to be creative here as we think [00:12:00] through our growth ideas.

’cause we’re, we’re scaling it up, right? We’re, we’re building on top of something with something that’s unique, right? Something that’s innovative, that experimentation wise and is really ultimately impactful. So, Nick, why don’t you go first and talk about your idea for growth on top of this existing motion.

Yeah, absolutely. So, so you know, obviously, like you mentioned, they have partnerships with a lot of the people in the event space. But I think, and I think a huge thing that you know, mark and I talk about is the partnership ecosystem overlaying the entire people first mentality. And I think it’s like you can’t go to market alone today.

You have to go. With others. And again, they have the partnerships, but how, how do you, how do you expand that? And I think there is potential to expand that not only with others in the event space, but influencers, creators, for example. There’s, um. You know, catering or audio visual equipment rental, or even like non-competing event [00:13:00] management platforms.

That might compliment what they do. And maybe it’s something where it’s like, hey, they kind of like if they niche down or like focus on more on a certain area. They can, they can . Take that piece. You can do a lot within co-hosting events. I mean, again, when you’re dogfooding, which, you know, for those that, dunno if you’re like using your own product, it’s like, you know, I used to work for Motorola.

It’s like we would dog food our own software updates, products, all those things. I mean, we did at, at other companies as well. But I think a, a big piece is there, it’s like how do you go to market with others, either in the event space or creators or influencers that you can join. And do co-marketing events, co-creation of content, that takes it up a level.

’cause ultimately what you’re doing is you’re borrowing trust, reach, and authority from these specific people. And it’s, especially if you’re going into markets where maybe. You’re not as strong in the US or a specific region in the US or you wanna go to AMEA or APAC [00:14:00] or whatever it is. Like you tap into the people on the ground that know those markets better than most, and you co-create content with them or partner with them to take it to the next level.

But you have to establish mu mutual benefits. Maybe it’s something where it’s like, yeah, obviously, you know, there’s a monetary component of it, but maybe there’s a piece where it’s like, Hey, we’re gonna give you this platform for free. Um, how can you use this platform in your own ? Daily routine because again, it’s just gonna go to show, Hey, look, I’m using this for my events.

I’m not promoting Zotto, for example. But they see it as the platform that’s running all of our events, and if they have a flawless experience, it’s only a win-win for everyone. So I. You have to identify those potential partners. You have to establish, establish those mutual benefits. And then you have to figure out what is the strategy to leverage these creators, these influences, these other partnerships that take it up a notch beyond just what you already have amongst like integration partners.

So I would say that’s one of my, my biggest [00:15:00] ideas or growth. I think there’s a lot in partnerships that they could take advantage of that they aren’t taking advantage of right now. Well to, to build off of that too, you’re talking like partner led growth. A hundred percent agree. You mentioned integration partners at the At the end.

Yeah, I would take that idea to a whole nother stratosphere. This goes back to ICP development. What if Zeto made their product roadmap and product for a specific CRM type platform? Then it’s not like an integration partner. Like, no, we’re purpose built for HubSpot. We’re purpose built for Microsoft Dynamics.

What? You know, it’s either HubSpot or Salesforce. Probably no one in event tech has done that yet either. Which, you know, surprises me quite frankly. ’cause the, you know, that’s not just, uh, that’s just not an integration partnership that is a go-to market. Hey, you’ve got a hundred thousand customers. You know, we’re gonna recommend you as the one we trust and is best in class, all in one solution.

So things to, and that goes for any industry, by the way. So that’s just things to consider at an even higher maybe strategy level. When when you know Z, you’re thinking about 2024 planning, or anyone listening, [00:16:00] how can you potentially change the trajectory of your growth through a very strategic partnership within an ecosystem that is big, that gives you distribution, leverage, and some advantage.

So before we get to your kind of idea for growth, mark, just the one thing I wanted to mention here is when you, when you guys were at Air Meet, one of the first instances that I had of seeing the platform in motion is when Mark, you actually co-hosted a peak community . Uh, round table and it was actually broadcast through Air Meet.

So that’s just a great kind of simplistic way of using that partner led opportunity to showcase the pro product informally, but in a way where you’re actively engaging an audience such as me, but also all the members of that community who. Do events, right? They’re doing events on their own and you’re creating, which I’ll talk about a little bit, a little bit of a flywheel, uh, impact of that.

But Mark, before we get to, to my idea, how about we talk to about yours from a customer and content led [00:17:00] growth perspective for me? Yeah. You’re making this shift. You have to lean into the story of people, um, story stories of people who’ve done it. So the customers at Zeal that, you know, Hey, I, I went from this solution just online, you know, to now in person and how did that play out?

Um, and, and, and bring them to Nick’s point with you in the Go-to-market story. Um, and that’s, yeah, zeal should probably their best customer. And that’s what surprised me a lot about the event companies. I mean, I, I think for Airme, we tried our best to be our best customer for the online side, right? We really didn’t have too much in person stuff.

Um, but like you, you have to be your best customer. I always, you know, when I, when I was buying technology at, at a VP of marketing, CMO level, I always questioned Andy, like, this company could be really good at using their product, but like, they’re not doing that great of it. Like, why would I trust this as much

Um, so yeah, I, I think there’s definitely something there. Customers though should be . What are your main, um, [00:18:00] channels, uh, for making the transition? Uh, so I think inve, the marketing team needs to get really close to the customer success team at Z. Like if the marketing team and customer success team aren’t like connected at the hip, that should change pretty quickly.

And the marketing team, especially the product marketers, should be embedded into those conversations and learning as much as they can to then refine that messaging, refine the offers, refine . Uh, the go to markets. Um, to me that’s like, ’cause it’s like a, it’s a product pivot to me that’s like the ultimate thing that has to happen.

And then along with, you know, as double should probably create as part of this campaign, as an offer, like a customer advisory board of customers who’ve made this transition. Um, that, and that’s then using their voice and their beliefs and, and, um, actual outcomes to, um, create. Goodwill and, and awareness, um, at the beginning of the flywheel, right?

So you’re going from the customer led side to, to the community led side, to, to Nick’s point, putting them in the market. And then you’re the, you’re, you’re the best customer of your own product. Um, I got a few other ideas, but I know we want, we have 11 minutes supposedly left, so I don’t wanna let go too far,[00:19:00]

All right. Say it for another day, man. Save it for another day. All right, so you’re talking about the flywheel. I’m talking about the flywheel, but I’m accelerating a little bit. And my idea is . Harnessing the power of attendee feedback. So I want to think about this from the perspective of looking beyond the actual buyers of zule to the actual people that are most deeply affected by its usage.

And that’s the event attendees, I. And my idea here is how do we solicit and gather insights and feedback, the goods, the bads of the event experience, right? I go to South by Southwest. What did I like about the process? What did I hate about the process? I go to CES, same thing. I go to something like marketing profs, B two B Forum in Boston.

Same, same idea, right? But here’s the cool thing is there’s a couple different ways we can solicit this formation. If it’s in-person events, we can do street style videos if we have somebody on the ground. Or we can do it as a follow-up, right? People post all the time, Hey, I’m here. [00:20:00] Or really enjoying this session, right?

Just a, uh, a minor piece of social monitoring is gonna open up the doors to reach out to these folks and just start a casual conversation. Hey, I saw you were at css. I saw you were at, I. You know, B two B mx, things like that. Tell me a little bit about your, your, your experience kind of registering, like what were some of the things you found valuable?

What were some of those that you didn’t? Because what I’m seeing here then is we’re leveraging those insights and we’re creating a lot of powerful outputs of that. Number one is we’re creating a story and a narrative that we can take in an ABM model to the event organizers. We basically just solicited data.

That we can bring to the table and give them value when they’re doing their retrospective and postmortem of the event. Smart. While, while also keeping Zeal top of mind because we’re the ones that are delivering that information to them. Mm-Hmm. So we’re automatically part of the conversation with the executive suite or anybody else involved in those stakeholders.

The other thing we’re doing here is [00:21:00] we’re creating a . Source of data that allows us to create Snackables. Maybe it’s the street style videos, right? Maybe it’s infographics and studies out of the data that we’re capturing and we’re able to elevate that experience of the social feeds to be more of a industry thought leader when it comes to event marketing beyond what they’re, what Zus already doing.

The other two things that I see out of this then is . We’re also gathering insights for product innovation and internal road mapping beyond just whatever the Zet customers are saying they want. No, we’re actually taking into account what the end customer wants from those attendees to elevate that experience.

And then lastly, through all this, we’re actually creating that flywheel, right? We’re creating awareness and conversation within the event organizers. We’re also creating a relationship with attendees, which probably run their own events. So we’re creating this, this rapid motion here of more awareness, more demand being created, as well as the content that’s coming out of all of this that [00:22:00] we can use in all of our different marketing motions.

Hmm. Yeah, it’s, it’s, I love those points. There’s some really good, deep ideas in that it’s almost like subtle can think of each event as its own community-led growth initiative. Mm-Hmm. . Right. Like that’s, that’s what I was kind of getting at when you, when I was listening to you. It’s like, yeah, you have a 50 person event, 500 person event.

Treat that as a demand creation moment and use that in all the different ideas you just shared. Um, and just, I’m sure there’s others, uh, to help. Yes. Spin the flywheel and then if, if subtle ever goes. As far as to create an owned community, like more of a member led motion, um, it could be interesting to kind of tie those pieces together as well, where you’re just then, of course, naturally trying to move people into this experience.

Where I do think that’s important because education, when it comes to events is, is lacking. And there’s, there’s something to be said there, but again. Not enough time to talk about that in depth today, . So I’ll turn it back over to you and to your neck. . Yeah, I was gonna say, you know, there is some other [00:23:00] considerations that I think we should definitely talk about too when we’re thinking about this entire thing.

So the first one is like how do you elevate the all in one aspect of the offering? And I think you can talk about that more in your content and your messaging. And a great example of this is a lot of the differentiating features of Zu. At least in my opinion, are only showcased on the site. And who knows?

You could tell me, Hey, maybe we’re redoing the site, or maybe we’re redoing a bunch of stuff. Maybe you have like more of the messaging and features coming out. But for example, there’s a landing page builder, the broadcast studio, the mobile app, and so much more that might be getting touched on here and

Outside of the site, but it’s not in a way that shows the end client that this is your one-stop shop for running an amazing event. No third party landing page tools, no apps that are gonna require mops to integrate. None of that crap. This is the last event tool you will ever buy. I think it’s like doubling down on that piece of it.

Um, and then Andy, did you have another one that you wanted to [00:24:00] add? I just wanted to quickly chime in there for, for who specifically though? This goes back to their icp. Yeah. Because if you tell that’s in a, like. It’s only believable with context. I think that’s the key, right? Yeah. And the big thing too is like how do you bring that to the surface, to the ICP within niches that you want to really elaborate right and market to so that it is clear like, you know, I don’t want to be using five different tools to, for my event if I have one that does everything so well.

And I think that’s the way we need to think about how do we surface those features and benefits beyond just waiting for somebody to get to the site. Um, and then the other thing too is how do we surface more of the, the representations and the success stories from the end customer that Zell’s already created?

Um, break up some of that partnership influencer content on the social feeds. As an example here, right, you’ve got great written customer stories, you’ve got quotes on the site, elevate them, bring more visuals to them, and showcase them throughout the feeds to create heroes, . [00:25:00] From those testimonials, from those customer success stories.

And I think you’re gonna create that narrative and that flywheel that mark you and I talked about even more. Yeah, I like that. I mean, it’s, it’s all about putting attendees at the center. Mm-Hmm. and putting people at the center. So the, the ways in which you can, um. Activate the, the audience at maybe some of your, your flagship customer events by you attending them on site, even if you might not need to be there, but you as a brand being there and supporting it, um, and showing that level of support.

And then, like you said, Andy, capturing those, um, anecdotes from people who attend that event, um, about . The experience pre and then during the event would be an interesting play that I don’t, I’ve never really seen done in that kind of capacity per se. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, when I would bring those to the market, like I wouldn’t use them in like a, a bashing way, right?

Not say, oh yeah, this person [00:26:00] was at B two B mx and here’s what they found wrong and here’s what they like. Like, no, like surface it in a way where . It is more value led, it’s more educational driven for anybody that’s in the event space as they’re looking to elevate the experience of what they’re putting out there, whether it’s virtual, hybrid, or in person, but definitely don’t come across as like bashing the event organizer, who by chance you’re also trying to sell Zetta on

So Nick, as we bring it on home, why don’t you hit us with some recap and some possible takeaways here. Yeah, so, so recapping, you know, momentum and growth. Keep it going through innovation testing, maintaining that people first focus. I think that you’re doing an amazing job and I think this one, this, this campaign’s a little bit different ’cause you guys already are doing a great job.

Jason is fantastic. I’ve been working with him, brings a ton of ideas to the table. I know he has even more ideas coming, so keep it going J. Just test stuff. Maintain that people first focus. And [00:27:00] my three key takeaways, you guys can, again, feel free to jump in here, but people first doesn’t stop with the target audience.

It extends beyond to include the customers as well. How do you harness the power of all stakeholders for maximum impact? That’s number one. Number two, people first isn’t a marketing only initiative. It’s a go to market moment. It should be organization wide as it affects all of the facets of the business, including product development, which I think is often get getting overlooked.

So that’s number two. Number three is engaging everyone from customers to partners, to influencers, to create all the way to the end customer. Which creates a flywheel, ultimately creating an opportunity for generating more momentum for you while maintaining that people first approach. So those are my three key key takeaways.

I don’t know if you guys have anything to add on your side. I’ll give, I’ll give one. Just I, I feel like because there’s so many competitors, those stats are crazy that you shared Andy. You know, you have to create something above [00:28:00] just a great product and great product positioning and above even solution level positioning.

Because like look, the solutions event management for online and in-person events, right? Product is whatever they call it, they position it. What is the brand level positioning that’s gonna. Um, like, wake me up. Mm-Hmm. . Um, you know, I think we did a pretty good job at this at Airme with event led growth that is now catching on a, a lot of tech companies and people, um, are talking about it.

Um, you know, you need something, you know, provocative, interesting. Um, that actually has meat on it though. If you just throw a bone out there and there’s no meat, that’s not gonna be . That’s not enough. Staying power. You, you need something that has staying power. You need to commit to it for like, minimum three years, right?

Drift committed to conversational marketing for three plus years. HubSpot, obviously three plus years. Like you can’t expect to do it for a year or two. And that’s what happened. You know, we ran into that at air. We were, you know, we unfortunately didn’t, weren’t, uh, weren’t, weren’t able to see it through, you know, didn’t have enough time, but, um, at least it’s, it, it resonated enough.

Now others are talking about it and that’s what makes it great. [00:29:00] Point of view or thought leadership category or category, whatever you wanna call it, stick. So I, I do feel like there’s a, as, as a component of that as well. Um, and, and Andy, like I would love to get your take. To me, they also need to be doing in-person events.

Like a lot more probably. Right. Go. Going back to the whole idea of like using your own product, you know, things like that. Mm-Hmm. , what are your thoughts as you wrap this up? Yeah, I think you’re, there’s the balance there of right cost versus impact, but definitely showcasing the product more, like using that example I mentioned with Airme and you with with Peak, right?

Getting out there in a cost-effective but impactful way to showcase the power of Zule. Beyond just going to the site or, or having, you know, tuning into any of those livestream events. Like you, you know, Nick, you’re on one or two of them, I know for sure. Um, but yeah, to your point, eat your own dog food. Be out there, showcase it, um, whether it’s, you know, showcasing it through a speakership right, a presentation or just [00:30:00] on the ground.

Right. Uh, and talking to attendees like I, I mentioned. Um, but yeah. Mark, thank you so much for joining today’s People First Playbook. Like I said, we brought in an event expert to talk about event management, so it played out really well there. Um, next episode is set to air on Tuesday, the 14th of November, 12 o’clock eastern.

In the meantime, if you wanna get updates on the show schedule, watch previous, uh, shows, uh, or submit a campaign in your initiative for, you know, a potential future episode. Check out Dragon three First Playbook. And for other episodes, check out the TAC Network and you’ll be able to watch those shows of past episodes and more.

If you have any questions, comments, anything like that about today’s show, reach out to Nick, mark, or I, and until next time, catch you guys later. Peace.[00:31:00]

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