Connected TV:
Scale Reach.
Scale Performance.
start reaching streamers

what is Connected TV?

Streaming is mainstream. And the best way to reach streamers is through Connected TV (CTV), one of the fastest-growing digital advertising channels: projected to increase 48%+ — a market worth $13.41 B — in 2022 alone.

CTV reaches well beyond traditional linear TV to target and engage audiences across digital touchpoints: devices, media, networks, and more. It couples all of the plusses of digital ads with the expansive reach of TV for both cord-cutters and those with a cable package.

It’s programmatic TV.

OTT Inventory


Data Partners

OTT Inventory


Data Partners


of US households have at least one connected device. Don’t let your brand miss the streaming opportunity. Improve your bottom line with CTV. get in touch

why embrace CTV?

why embrace CTV?

Because it’s a massive opportunity for brands of all sizes to innovate their digital strategies to reach more consumers and grow their business. 80% of US households are “connected” via streaming apps on mobile phones or smart TVs, gaming consoles, Amazon Fire Stick, Apple TV, or a Roku device. Leveraging CTV across these platforms empowers your brand with a unique competitive advantage by engaging a captive audience unlike any other video advertising channel, even YouTube and Facebook.

Whether to generate awareness or drive direct response, CTV’s exponential reach opens up wider audiences, identifiable across devices. And, advanced targeting and segmentation allows for a deeper understanding of viewers’ behavior at particular stages of their customer journey.

When executed strategically, CTV can provide a sustained halo effect on the rest of your marketing efforts.

  • Engage current audiences in a new way
  • Reach new audiences who’ve been
    unreachable through other channels
  • Penetrate new markets in a scalable, measurable way
  • Systematically nurture prospective
    customers down-funnel
  • Re-engage existing customers with new products or promos to grow lifetime customer value

CTV at
a glance

  • Massive reach
  • No minimum ad spend
  • Household measurement
  • Cross-device identity
  • Automatic content recognition
  • Real-time bidding automation
  • Transparent performance measurement
  • First- and third-party segments
  • Behavioral, omnichannel retargeting
  • Lookalike audiences

CTV Guide

Reaching Streamers: 3 Things You Need to
Know Before Kicking Off CTV Advertising

Learn about the major CTV players, strategic and creative best practices for CTV ads, audience targeting, success measurement, and how to scale up campaigns. download e-Book

Roku + Dragon360 Webinar

Why Should CTV be a part of Your
2022 Digital Strategy?

Watch the exclusive webinar with Roku’s David Katz (Sr. Manager, Performance Advertising) and Dragon360’s Andy Groller (President + CEO). watch now

Integrate CTV into your existing channels and reach new customers who’ve been previously unreachable. get started

a full-funnel CTV approach

To be most successful, we believe that any Connected TV campaign has to begin with the individual — that person watching Hulu while scrolling on their phone as they relax on the couch — and their unique customer journey.

CTV allows brands to engage a captive audience across devices, media, channels, etc. and create a curated experience. And, through careful cross-targeting and retargeting across devices, CTV can establish multiple touchpoints for audiences at every stage of the funnel when blended with paid search, retargeting, or programmatic banner ads with sequential messaging.



User sees an ad on

TV screen at home



User sees a mobile ad

during morning commute



User sees a desktop ad

3 days later at work



user makes a

successful purchase



User sees an ad on

TV screen at home



User sees a mobile ad

during morning commute



User sees a desktop ad

3 days later at work



user makes a

successful purchase

Case Study

Bringing home the “Uninvited Guest” for an adventurous DTC luxury canned wine brand

Building brand awareness + growing e-commerce sales for the adventurous DTC luxury canned wine brand, starring Elizabeth Banks read more

increase in sales revenue
average view-through rate
returning customer rate increase

Case Study

Tapping Connected TV to drive unprecedented growth for the leading DTC life insurance brand

Integrating Connected TV into Haven Life’s larger digital advertising strategy to drive unprecedented growth for the leading DTC life insurance brand read more

return on ad spend
less than target CPAs
increase in new insurance policies YoY